UYISENGA NI IMANZI models to sustain its interventions for children with partners

UYISENGA NI IMANZI and many actors have decided to support Orphans and vulnerable children in Rwanda. We have noticed through research, field work and community interventions that a child to grow up in a caring and protective environment, different actors have to play adequately their role.

Parents and Teachers play a vital role in children’s lives

Different models have been elaborated to better serve children, such as child protection model used for youngest, for street children’s reintegration, for positive parenting program and for early child education, in choosing package for pupils and students at all levels of education (pre-primary, primary, secondary, tertiary and vocational training) and for economic development model.

Building Pre-Primary School with Community members for all children

We are convinced that not a single actor can impact positively in children’s lives, and so biological and foster parents, teachers and carers, god parents and religious leaders, community members, relatives and leaders, civil society organizations and media, should join efforts, working hand in hand, and also involve children as active members of the society.

Official launching of community pre-primary school in Cyanzarwe

UYISENGA NI IMANZI has chosen the following strategies to succeed any intervention for children, following different stages:
a. Supporting children to have a vision for their future;
b. Developing confidence and self esteem;
c. From different opportunities offered, building ambitions;
d. Encouraging hard work among children;
e. Opening doors for competition.

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