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5,000 rural young people had empowered by UNM through agriculture/ farming as a business

5,000 rural young people had empowered through agriculture/ farming as a business.Despite social and economic progress, Rwanda remains very poor. In the Eastern Province, 38% live below the poverty line and 15.5% are extremely poor (NISR, 2016). Rural youth, particularly young women remain economically disenfranchised and formal employment is limited due to lack of skills […]

UNM encouraging students to go back to school

April 2016, Rwanda is still in mourning for 100 days to pay tribute to more than a million of people who perished by the genocide against Tutsi. UYISENGA NI IMANZI (UNM) among other actors are doing their best to contribute to the Rwandan reconstruction, focusing on destroyed lives and households. We are convinced that youth […]