We are a a nationwide organization in which thousands children, youth and families reap the benefits of our programs.
After the Genocide against tutsi, Rwanda is still confronted with many problems; the future remains uncertain for vulnerable survivors, especially orphans (childern and youth), many of whom still suffer the consequences of the genocide, including rape leading to HIV/AIDS and the loss of parents ,relatives, friends and properties. These children and youth faced with the difficult task of educating and caring for their younger siblings. Their problems are compounded by interpersonal troubles, family conflicts, poverty, depression and emotional crisis. Homeless students, who were mainly genocide survivors, have sadly transformed their school premises into their permanent homes. All of these difficulties have led to the mass psychological trauma crisis that is still observed in the Rwandan community today, specifically among orphan headed households or in foster families and young girls victims of violence or rape.
With bravery and determination, some Rwandans who hardly survived the genocide managed to accept the new reality, faced it and moved forward.
As a result, Uyisenga Ni Imanzi (UNM) was founded in 2002, with a mission to provide orphans from genocide and HIV/AIDS with social services, education and income-generating opportunities. UNM was established to implement child and youth focused programs that address their special needs. After two years of concerted efforts, it became clear that these children were too traumatized to be fully able to participate in or benefit from the programs offered by the organization. With the addition of psychosocial and health services in 2004, UNM expanded and strengthened its activities greatly, especially in Kigali City, Southern & Eastern Provinces.
In recognition of the needs of orphans in Rwanda, the Ministerial Decree granting legal entity to the Association UYISENGA NI IMANZI is no 70/11 of 10th August 2005 published in October 2005. Some awards crowned also its activities, mainly in the fighting against HIV/AIDS among youth. in the care of children and in the promotion of children’s rights.
UNM is an active member of local and international umbrellas : Ibuka, Rwanda NGO forum on Aids and Health Promotion, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture victims and Family for Every Child.