Monday February 13, 2017 was an honor to UNM, to host Mr Gilbert Gahunde, the Director of Good Governance in Rubavu district who came for a one day share learning on community child protection.
The briefing session took place in our office, where he was introduced to our staff, our programs and projects.
The second phase was done on field with Mr Chaste Uwihoreye, UNM Country Director and Family For Every Child Board member. They went in Mwulire Sector, they visited community structures and parents shared their experiences on Community Child Protection model:
1. The community mobilization
2. The groups formation
3. The capacity building/ training
4. The ope-rationalization
5. Monitoring and Evaluation
6. Graduation
They finally visited young children in preschool and were impressed how far they have gone in only two weeks. They are excited to greet in English, to enumerate five vowels and count to 20. The challenge now is to have extra numbers to integrate, because all parents are willing to bring their children and to contribute to the success of these preschools.
Mr Gahunde appreciated to see that community members own the program at low cost and children very well cared of; they are enthusiastic in spelling the five Vowels, counting in English and welcoming visitors, he recommended to stay focused and ensure that the mechanism is strengthened.