Reintegration of Street Children with different stakeholders

UYISENGA NI IMANZI has started to pilot a new and sensitive project together with different stakeholders for the sake of vulnerable children:

  • National Commission for Children;
  • Gitagata Rehabilitation Center;
  • Gasabo district;
  • Rubavu district;
  • Nyarugenge district.
UNM team with Gitagata Rehabilitation Center and Gasabo district

With this new project focusing on street children, practitioners seek to find and implement adequate strategies that enable community members and community child protection structures to participate in the reintegration of street children, their retention and the prevention of new comers.

On April 27,2017, UNM team with Mrs Daria Jeannette Uwamahoro, Director of Gender in Gasabo district, were in visit to Gitagata Rehabilitation center. A joint meeting with staff in the Center has been a useful space and en entry point. Problems and factors that push children in street were discussed, some possible solutions were conceived, clear roles & responsibilities were defined.

Children identification

In a meeting with children from Gasabo, our team was able to evaluate some factors to deal with when in near future, community members and parents will sit together to define how this social problem should be addressed, especially in urban area.

After the visit, all stakeholders are engaged to find solutions and experiment a sustainable tool with community members, allowing children to grow up in a caring environment. We express gratitude to Family For Every Child for the support to this project and the capacity building.

The Director of the Center and UNM Director with Moses to be reintegrated in Gasabo
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