Pre primary schools to start in Rubavu district with citizen participation

UYISENGA NI IMANZI in partnership with Rubavu district authorities and Community members have started a program on caring to small children, establishing pre primary centers.

This is a result of community mobilization done after Mr Gahunde Gilbert, Director of Good Governance has been visiting Rwamagana district to share best practices on child protection structures’ involvement in the retention of children in their communities, acquiring basic knowledge before they go to primary education.

Some children have already started
Parents found the place belonging to a church

In Busigari sector, 13 sites have been planned in 5 cells and different partners have committed to support the process mainly faith based organisations and schools. The total number of children identified are 734 and UNM Volunteer based in Rubavu is following the process day to day and send report; our team has planned to go on field and make final touch on mobilization and engagement from each actor (parents, local government and partners).

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