We are soon at the end of the year 2015 and very busy in achieving planned activities, exchange sessions, trainings, advocacy work, reporting, etc.
Training in Rwamagana (Development)
Below are some activities conducted:
Roundtable discussion in Ukraine
Mugabe Isaac (Icyerekezo Program Manager under Economic cluster) to share Rwandan and UNM experiences on genocide & resilience, post conflict & reconstruction work in Ukraine with the support of World Jewish Relief.
Fundraising work
Dr Ndahiro (UNM Chair on Board of Directors) and one of UNM young ambassadors (Alice) to attend fundraising work for sub-saharan vulnerable children with Lessons for Life Foundation in UK.
Chaste Uwihoreye (UNM Executive Director) to attend Family For Every Child Fundraising work in New York.
Elaboration of tools
Development of models on children’s care, youth empowerment, educational support based on identification, support, monitoring and evaluation with the purpose of participation, ownership and sustainability.
Two staff members (Agathe & Egide) participated to a training with Rwanda Demobilization and Reconciliation Commission on Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Reintegration.
Agronomists (Vedaste & Paul) have been in communities for 2015-2016 Season A, providing inputs and technical support.
Vistors from Comic Relief and World Jewish Relief came for evaluation of the process of project Icyerekezo in economic sector. They noticed with satisfaction that it is making great changes in youth lives. They encouraged UNM to continue thinking on its extension and strategies that should make it a very successiful model.
There have been many sessions on planning for the extension of Eastern branch, the reinforcement of Southern branch, advocacy for children’s care and community participation.
UNM has participated meetings with JADF and other partners in Gasabo, Rwamagana, Rubavu and Nyanza.
The strengthening of existing activities: Community child protection structures, updating UNM tools, projects writing, reports, etc.
UNM staff members have participated to webmeetings with Family For Every Childand Lessons For Life Foundation