Education and Family Business for Education program in creating independency spirit.

Uyisenga Ni imanzi as child and youth focused organization has been supporting vulnerable children for almost 20 years and it has brought good results, so many had finished university and secondary levels from UNM’s sponsorship. UNM had supported more than 3000 children of different vulnerabilities to Education of all levels as mentioned above. Furthermore it is still passionate about Rwanda education and their social wellbeing. Later on UNM keeps extending their services to more aspects of development such as economic and emotional healing which would impact the achievement growth in both education and social economic aspect.
It has been a year since the education program launched family business for education as connected program, this has been set to support families or guardians of a supported children in order create or start up a small business that intends to educate his/her child, for this business will be purposely to pay for child’s school fees in addition to the support UNM gives.

Therefore UNM has given 100,000frw grant support to 85 families each from 3 districts of our interventions and given in 2 phases to prevent risks that may rise and lose all the money, in this order they start a small business of their choice but within the budget line and open accounts to save money every week. Moreover, parent or caregivers are encouraged to have individual saving that will to evaluate the saving commitment and business growth, however, they are encouraged also to have a group’s activities which would include group saving, sharing experience and supporting each other for advices and economic.

This was done through visiting selected families in their respective homes to evaluate the competence and commitment of handling those businesses to stand still with therapy sessions to look at the challenges together and help them understand more of the advantages. More to the point, this idea is risky of giving money to the family that is not financially stable but an option to the remove the spirit of dependency that is taking over in Rwandans society which is mainly our goal to raise youth with less dependency spirit through education.
Moreover it was not even pleasant to those people that used to receiver handouts, which made them irresponsible of their children and more vulnerable beyond measures which couldn’t be. Thereafter realizing it, we have really seen parent’s ability and thirst towards their children education, in which they are saving as much as possible and proved us wrong that they are responsible and no longer vulnerable. Although some challenges appeared such as using money in irrelevant activities but most of them are moving forward with back checkbooks and some amount on their accounts from regular saving.


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