Uyisenga Ni Imanzi is looking forth to support many more vulnerable

UNM is currently implementing main three programs in 10 districts of the eastern, northern, and southern provinces of Rwanda. These programs support each other in a way that they work parallel. Child protection – Education is a program that sponsors vulnerable children in primary and secondary, and this has recently connected to Economic empowerment in which it empowers parents to contribute to their children’s education and take a part in their children’s education as well.UNM’s mental health as a third program is connected to both the above programs where it deals with the emotional and mental health wellness of our participants and beneficiaries.

We are pleased with the big step we have reached in supporting vulnerable children, youth, and families. During the last 2 years of the pandemic period, it was not that easy to protect the children especially reintegrated street children from going back to the streets because there was a lot of hunger from lost jobs but we have managed almost 667 children from all districts and we have supported 109 parents in the family business for education to empower them to start a small business and contribute to their children’s education.

UNM has supported 273 students by providing school basic needs; school fees, uniforms, and scholastic materials to increase their performance and be able to complete basic education and UNM has provided textbooks to school partners in partnership with book aid UK to help teachers and students improve their learning skills, in addition to these, 1061 youth have been supported to change their mind towards agriculture and live beyond dependent life where they have provided with a small number of inputs and 13 coops have created as success. 

Moreover, UNM mental health program has supported 2000 participants in which it is applied to all programs and has built the participants’ confidence and opened their hearts to their fellows. UNM is looking forward to supporting more children and youth this year to build their lives on multiple pillars and for a brighter future. Please keep on supporting Uyisenga Ni Imanzi

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