Pineapple culture with a Jewish Organization and Technoserve in East

The new project of Pineapple production in Mwulire sector has started last October. This program envisions to develop skills related to the culture of modernized pineapple. Currently,identification and trainings have been done. UYISENGA N’MANZI and TechnoServe are following up beneficiaries to make sure that theories are made in practice.

So far, 18 small groups of three households are implementing the project.They hope to make much profit, and to share new techniques with their neighbors.

MUSAYIDIRE Irene, a staff member affected on the project has appreciated the training content and the methodology being used. This came as a complement of techniques that UYISENGA N’MANZI has established to know better what problems are facing that targeted population and to involve them in the finding of solutions

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