Working together is productive, but if you don’t understand it, you will not get it that simple. It is in this context that new farmers from the Nyabisindu cell in the Musha sector of Rwamagana district which is supported by Uyisenga Ni Imanzi through Enable Rwanda program, after making a trip to visit their colleagues’ cooperative and see their achievements in a short time, hurried and elected a committee to start the process of becoming a cooperative as they know the benefits of working together.
Uyisenga Ni Imanzi always encourages farmers to work together in cooperatives so that they access more opportunities. Working to benefit is one thing but working together as a team is another thing, which is more difficult and most people do not invest in individuals and small groups. Uyisenga Ni Imanzi has chosen this hard part to set the ground for other supporters to work on. the one reason farmers do not like team working is that everyone looks at their own interests but they forget that working together brings quick development than working alone, when we look at the large interest to develop at the same time, hence rapid development of the community and more opportunities will come to those who are together.