Investing in children as a strategy to end poverty

UNM comes to try an innovative and inspiring model aiming in investing in children to end poverty circle.

From 2002, the organization has improved in many sectors, from the office work, the field work and the collaboration with partners in and out of the country.
Remaining in our mission in the community with families, we conducted various researches related to social protection and have evaluated the portion given to children, in cash, services or in nature.

UNM based its approach on the chinese proverb:”Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” We then provided a comprehensive package of services in the beginning (health, food, psychosocial,..) followed by education and income generation activities.

UYISENGA NI IMANZI Country Director, Mr Chaste UWIHOREYE, has worked with the organization since 2004, as a zealed and talented young guy. He used all tactics to listen to people, beneficiaries, parents, partners and colleagues. He is now proposing to make a sustainable investment in two ways to end poverty among citizens:

Icyerekezo project with horticulture crops focusing on young adults
Education program with children as an investment.
These two programs coupled with a strong advocacy and lobby to engage more people should bring an added value in strategies for Economic Development. This should be among prevention tools of many social problems (prostitution, drug abuse, street children, family conflicts, …).

Mr Chaste is convinced that: ” Investing in Children will help to end poverty”, we are invited to try and support his model for 10 years to come

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