We enter the year 2017 with new ideas, new expectations and new planned activities. Fifteen years before, the organization was created for philanthropic mission by 5 people (Ms Nyiratamba Annonciata, Ms Mary Kayitesi, Bishop Nathan Gasatura, Dr Ndahiro Alfred, Can Gakwandi John) to contribute to the country reconstruction focusing on children affected by genocide and HIV/AIDS, including Children Headed Households and Young Girls Victims of Violence with some Young Mothers.
End of 2016, as noticed during our annual retreat, we are again celebrating number of children served by UYISENGA NI IMANZI team; some are rehabilitated, others have graduated while others are still in the process.
We have used comprehensive package of services, adapted on context and program. Our strategies are built on the healing and the rehabilitation program and Social services (trauma counselling, psycho-social, legal aid, equipment), the development program (education, livelihood and IGA) and the partnership (networks). We build our strategies on individuals, families, communities and alliances around mobilization and capacity building.
On December 30,2016, the Board of Directors, some Members and staff met at UNM Headquarter, to review the year (achievements, challenges, successes and failures), to explore opportunities and plan for 2017 as well as to celebrate Christmas and the New Year.
Mr Chaste Uwihoreye, Country Coordinator presented a summary report:
More than 5001 beneficiaries were reached;
1314 students were supported in Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and reintegration;
2660 children were supported to access to birth registration;
27 newborns got fostered in families;
68 child protection structures were accompanied;
2 Community Early Child Development Centers were supported;
A village is getting comprehensive support to get out of poverty;
1037 youth farmers have been supported in 80 groups in horticulture.
For 2017:
Initiated programs will be strengthened;
The agriculture will add a school of farming, uphill irrigation, seed production & multiplication;
The education will extend activities, focus on Pre-Primary and linking Education with care;
Child protection will extend activities to street children;
The communication and Documentation will be improved;
We will celebrate 15th Anniversary with children, friends, decision makers and partners.
Dr Ndahiro Alfred, Chairman and Legal Representative paid compliment to what has been achieved so far by what he called “a winning team” and promised his entire and continuing support.
Mrs Nyiratamba Annonciata reminded that “the organization started small with a big vision”, she praised the fact that few people planted a good seed which was nurtured by a strong/committed team. She is proud that the organization has overcame many challenges, becoming more and more resilient; serving a noble cause inspires committed people and brings them to great success.
All participants were very enthusiastic and committed to new engagements for more success in 2017 and beyond.