Birth registration campaign in Mwulire Sector of Rwamagana

In line with the preparation of the Universal Children’s Day (UCD) celebrated each November 20, a campaign on birth registration by UYISENGA NI IMANZI with Local authorities took place in Mwulire Sector of Rwamagana district.

During two weeks, 2494 children have been legally registered in official books. This campaign is in line with child protection program using community structures in Bicumbi, Ntunga, Bunshenyi and Mwulire cells. An additionnal week was dedicated to upload data on website by 4 youth volunteering trained by the Officer in charge of Civil Status and Notary in Mwulire Sector. The coordination and facilitation were in his hands and the activity was supported by UYISENGA NI IMANZI. These days were just amusing because parents, staff from UNM and Mwulire sector, as well as community child protection structures were very pleased by the success.

With this task, we came up with some questions:
Why all new- born are not registered?
How can all actors (parents, community and Local leaders should encourage birth registration?

Parents are the main actors; they should feel more responsible, most of them are not legally married and this cause a neglect about their role to register new born. The problem reside also in:
- Mindset;
- Migration;
- Poor family planning causing a high rate in family composition;
- Silent prostitution engendering a big number of single mothers and
- Ignorance or incomplete information on birth registration requirements.

On the other side, local authorities seem to have many tasks to accomplish and so the birth registration does not come among priorities

We then came up with some recommendations:
- Parents have to feel their prime role in registering their children;
- All citizen should be mobilized on the importance of birth registration;
- More resources and time should be allowed to this important task;
- The Government should put in place friendly strategies on birth registration.

We finally appreciate the partnership with Mwulire sector and the mechanism put in place where all registered children are uploaded and data kept safely.


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