Uyisenga N’Manzi, in partnership with Care International trains and follows up (supervises) the Nkundabana members (adult mentors). At the House of Peace in Rwamagana held a meeting between CARE International, Uyisenga N’Manzi and Nkundabana project members. The aim of the meeting was, to see the challenges that the Nkundabana face, to share ideas on what have been done, how the next issues will be solved and to plan for a need assessment.

Munyarugerero Andre from CARE International says that it is in the program of evaluation that they clinical supervise the child mentors in order to help them being aware of the required needs and to help effectively the community they are working for.
Dativa Mukarugwiza says that there is a remarkable change since they continue to approach children and listen to them and help them out. “It had been of great importance to be trained about the right of children, social life, and mental health and about how to advocate for a child”, she said.

Irene Musayidire, head of UNM psychosocial program says that the members of the organization benefited a lot from the Nkundabana project because within these groups of child mentors there are those who have been beneficiaries of UNM and now they took that responsibility to help others.

To help Nkundabana efficacy to be in their field work, and especially for the purpose of responding to socio-economic problems, they face the problems of children they care. A support at their disposal for small income generating projects is given. Nkundabana had time to choose suit activity or project to run, not exceeding 35 000 Rwf (less than 60USD). Thus, the vast majority of participants opting for raising goats and pigs.

Nkundabana project is funded by the European Commission and implemented in partnership with ARCT-RUHUKA and HAGURUKA and in association with MIGEPROF and UYISENGA N’MANZI. the project scales-up the successful Nkundabana model , a model which strengthens the capacity of communities and households to fulfill their obligations in the protection, promotion, achievement of child rights, psychosocial support through capacity building.

1 Comment

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