Uyisenga ni Imanzi during COVID 19 Pandemic time

COVID 19 an epidemic has evolved and later declared World Pandemic by the World Health Organization. All sectors of activities have been affected, including @UYISENGA NI IMANZI Organization.Different countries, have adopted strategies to fight this pandemic.

Reintegration process before the Covid 15 Pandemic
Before the Lock-down

Since Rwanda has seen people affected by Corona Virus 19, measures also were adopted to save lives, prevent new infections, and maintain the country’s stability. Since March 16, 2020, UNM has chosen continuing the work from home and ask staff to stay in touch, while waiting for new regulations.
Luckily, everyone is safe and is doing the work, all programs are running, except the field work. Office are closed and online services are permanently being provided.

The service which has remained very active is the UNM Rehabilitation Centre, with 3 permanent staff and 7 children, while others have been reintegrated before the lock- down.was declared.

Children during the Lock-down inside the Rehabilitation Center

Another interesting aspect is how young people are getting engaged in farming. All activities are done in respect of measures adopted in self distancing and strong observance of hygiene.

Farmers during the lock-down stay connected with Agronomists

What measures have been adopted by UNM to avoid a cut off?

A general meeting took place
Emergency Preparedness Plan and Response as adopted was implemented
Every one has exposed what job he/she will be doing during the lock-down
Regular call and online collaboration
Online report.

It is always good to find alternative solution for any Challenge:
#STAY @Home,
#Be positive and optimistic
#@Be Safe
#Protect yourself
#Protect Others
#Washing Hands
#Clean water


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