Formal Kinship Care International Conference

The International conference was officially opened by Mrs Claudine Kanyamanza, National Commission for Children Executive Secretary, moderated by Mr Uwihoreye Chaste, UYISENGA NI IMANZI National Coordinator and Board member of Family For Every Child, and was closed by Dr Ndahiro Alfred, UNM Chairman on the Board of Directors and Legal Representative.

It was held at Umubano Hotel on August 23, 2016, grouping 60 participants and partners from local government, public and private institutions, local and international NGOs, UNICEF, UNDUGU Society of Kenya and CINDI from South Africa, Researchers and Journalists.

The main topic was to share UNM Family/Community-based child protection model, piloted and implemented in 6 districts (Rwamagana, Kamonyi, Nyanza, Gasabo, Nyarugenge and Rubavu), linking different actors (parents, children, local leaders and teachers around child protection). The model has followed stages:
• Baseline survey;
• Community mobilization;
• Creation of structures;
• Identification and training of parasocial workers;
• Empowerment of community structures (Income Generating Activities);
• Monitoring and Evaluation;
• Documentation;
• Conference and share learning

Testimonies have been shared by community members on Formal Kinship care and Foster care, school and community reintegration, early child development and community child care.

Participants have debated in plenary session and have shown interest on the community involvement in child protection, encouraging networking, advocacy for birth registration and scale-up the model.

Different participants have commented the model and given their inputs, making a call on the family and community involvement as key for success, strong collaboration and coordination for more impact. They have recommended actions in networks and multidimensional interventions.

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