Your donation will help UNM to build sustainable projects that will contribute to the self-improvement of orphans. No amount is too small. You can make a quick and easy donation using your PayPal account, Credit Card or Bank Account. You are free to choose the amount that you would like to give. We thank you so much for your support.

You may directly give your donation through this website by clicking below button

You may also make a Donation using our accounts with Fina Bank:

211/117781/1/5101/5 ( RWF)
211/117781/4/5101/1 (Euro)

Sponsor a Child:

You can help to empower one of the many orphans we support through sponsorship. This is a great way to make a personal impact and a lasting connection with one of our beneficiaries. Simply Contact Us by email or phone if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. Some of the dimensions which need funding for this vulnerable population are:

Some of the dimensions which need funding for this vulnerable population are:

  • Scholastic materials: exercise books, hygienic material, pens, bags, etc.

    ·       School fees: total amount or contribution.

    ·       Transport fees

    ·       Housing Construction: funds, materials.

    ·       Medication

    ·       Insurance: school and medical insurance.

    ·       Care: visits and advice.One boy has graduated recently from the University of Rwanda. He has invited people, friends and relatives and has testified that it would have been impossible for him to achieve his study without his Sponsor who, with her patience, courage and encouragement has been able to push him to the success and endurance. He was not able, he said, to find words to express his recognition, unless to promise to live positively. For him, the Sponsor was just like a new Mom given to him by the Almighty God.